current code: ninjabadgedist-20100803220827

datasheet archive: datasheets/
README is below. Questions/flames/comments are encouraged; email cstone at pobox dot com Have fun! Brandon 'cstone' Creighton / Ninja Networks

The code in this tarball is the source to the final image flashed to the Ninja Networks
2010 party badges.  It's in a pretty rough state and will be cleaned up eventually, but I
wanted to get it out there as soon as possible.

To build everything, first set up an armv4t toolchain.  I used OpenEmbedded GCC.  You can
find instructions on how to do this here:
(I hear the CodeSourcery toolchain works as well.)

Then, set up paths properly (nearly everything's in the Makefile) and run:

% make kernel.bin

from this directory.  

Main directories:

    - src/: mostly ARM-compiled ISRs and low-level stuff.  Some code incorporated 
    - kernel/: most of the badge code lives here.  
    - lib/: a modified/stripped down version of Mariano Alvira's libmc1322x; this is
      statically linked in with the kernel
    - secret/: the unique data for each badge, including boss badges 
    - openocd/: a ready-to-go (for linux/x86_64) openocd build plus the scripts I used 
    - tests/: a set of test programs; includes source and binaries for flashing
      internal/external flash (dflash/eflash)

Flash layout:

    kernel.bin is flashed to MCU flash, starting at flash address 8 (the first 4 bytes are
    a magic value and the second 4 bytes are the length to read at boot; see MC1322xRM
    3.11 for details on the boot process.).  

    A badge's unique ID and other decsriptive information such as item-grant/level-bump
    nonces are located at 0x18000 in flash.  Choose a secret file from 

    Boss badges (including black badges) were flashed with the table of all nonces.  This
    goes into the external SPI flash IC; badge ID table starts at EXT_BADGEIDS_ADDR
    (0x4000), and the item tables follow.  See the procedures in openocd/mcutils.cfg 
    for details.


    We used Olimex ARM-USB-OCD and ARM-USB-TINYH programmers to flash the badges.  I've
    also connected with a bus Pirate, although it's significantly slower than the